His name!

Many of you have known that I knew our third child was going to be a boy long before we were even pregnant, and I'm so excited to finally share with you how he got his name. The story is a little, long, but I promise it's worth it. After we lost Josiah, we were in a whirl wind of emotions. We had so many questions. It's amazing actually to look back and see God's hand at work in our story. I was adamant on having a VBAC with Josiah. I mean seriously, adamant. There was a day shortly after we came home from the hospital we were sitting on the deck talking with our parents about "why". Why did this happen? Why didn't we have a cause? I finally let it out, "Why did I want to have a VBAC so badly? If I'd only had a c section would Josiah be here with us?" Then my mom said something that I can still hear so clearly today, "Amanda, don't you think that no matter how you had Josiah, this was God's plan?" I could immediately fee...